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„So far, I had a great experience learning with Adiungo. I can say only that if someone is serious about moving to Germany then this is the right place. Although I have just started with one module that is language learning I can share my experience about it. Language learning app portal is great. It helps in learning faster as it keeps track of progress. I liked the vocabulary section and how I can customize my own words that are hard to remember and the learnt status of each word. Also, video dialog exercises are great as it helps me in engaging with real life subjects and news. Some improvements that can help are like getting translation for text in video and magazine exercises. In short, it is effective way of learning faster. I think within 3 months I have learned a lot of vocabulary and got sufficient hold on grammar. Sometimes I feel a bit pressure as I must complete the course and already, I am bit slow in language learning. However, this pressure also helps me to be consistent and keep regularly learning. Still I feel there is a long way to get hold on language and beside there are another module that I need to complete.“

Vaibhav (30) from Pune, currently in training

"In adiungo, I was able to master my German level and my technical know-how in a short period of time. This helped me in finding a great job in a German company. During my studies in adiungo, I was always supported and encouraged by the friendly team."

M. Kumar (24) from Bangalore, lives in Munich since 2020

"Thanks to adiungo I could prepare ideally for my job in Germany. I was assigned the right courses and the personal and individual coaching gave me a feeling of appreciation. The cultural coaching helped me quickly settle in and find friends in Germany."

N. Lal (28) from Mumbai, lives in Cologne since 2019

„Up to now I have completed the German language course in adiungo. I am now in cultural training and I will soon continue with soft skills and hard skills. It has helped me a lot that I get personal feedback on how fast I learn. Also, my coach discusses with me, in which companies I would like to work in and helps me prepare applications. Before I started my training in adiungo, I was not sure if I could ever move to Germany, but now I feel ready and look forward to finally moving and starting work there.“

Blaise (21) from Cape Town, currently in training