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Our partners

Find out more about our cooperations

Become our partner

Our global network

We work with established educational institutions and decision makers in politics and economy. This enabled us to enter the market successfully at an early stage in order to offer a diverse portfolio of expertise. Our international collaborations enable us to interculturally and effectively connect both sides of the job market.

Indo-German Chamber of Commerce

Cooperation in the development and offering of advanced online courses for apprenticeship and further education


Pune, India

Multiversity Pvt Ltd

Cooperation in building strategy and distribution of adiungo in the Indian market


Pune, India

Technical University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt

Scientific exchange on international education and on strategic expansion


Ingolstadt, Germany

Regional College of Management

Cooperation in preparation and placement of high-performing students


Bangalore, India

Shilashta Asset Management Pvt Ltd

Cooperation in building strategy and distribution of adiungo in the Indian market


New Delhi, India


Member of the global network for the distribution of (further) education and training according to the standards of “Made in Germany”


Bonn, Germany

The IG group

Cooperation in the preparation of Indian skilled workers for the German labour market


Cremlingen, Germany

Become a partner

You want to become a partner of adiungo?

We are always open for new cooperations with companies and institutions which share our vision and quality standard. Through the admission into our global network, all parties benefit from a qualified exchange. Especially the joint development of ideas and the further development of the mission behind adiungo are matter to us. Our partnerships are always aimed at reciprocity and social benefit.

Find out more

Your connection to us

Speak to our team

Your contact person:

Christina Beer
Project Management

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