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adiungo for students

We bring you into your dream job in Germany

Unlock your potential

Your success factors

Industry expertise

Your application is convincing because you can prove profound knowledge about the tools and methods of the automotive industry.

Insights into recruiting

You know exactly what decision makers are looking for and are able to convincingly sell your skills.

Trouble-free relocation

You master your visa matters and your move flawlessly. The new environment and culture are not a problem for you.

What we do for you

In-depth expertise for your preferred job

tailored to your individual requirements

Online German courses for every level

including assessment test and certificates

Professional cultural coaching

including evaluation of your cultural value system

Certification of your learning success

to hand in with the application to your preferred employer

Your route to Germany

Online assessment center

2 weeks

Individualized German language course

from 2 months

Domain-specific hard-skill courses

2 months

Industry-specific soft-skill & cultural coaching

1 month

Certification as adiungo EXPERT

1 week

Chance of placement in Germany


Each of our career paths leads to an individual job profile as we support you in all that it takes.

German language and culture

Including assessment test, certification and evaluation of your cultural value system

Industry-specific hard- and soft-skills

Understanding automotive correlations and their toolings as well as developing your social competencies respective to the German working world

CV-check and application coaching

Feedback on your application documents regarding German standards as well as preparation for job interviews and individual tips for your career start

Individual job search

Recommendation of vacancies in our network which match your preferred job and prior knowledge

The requirements we expect

(Pursued) bachelor’s or master’s degree

in one of the STEM fields (especially engineering and technology)

Exceptional potential

outstanding cognitive abilities, distinct willingness to learn, independent and focused

Basic requirements

at least 18 years old, impeccable reputation

Individual course plan

We tailor our career paths to your individual skills and career goals. Your schedule and effort are tailored to fit your personal profile.

* We live transparency: Courses and services from the adiungo program can be booked from 9 €. The fees for the entire program to your successful career start in Germany amount to up to 1.150 €.

Unlock your potential

Why your investment in the adiungo program pays off

with adiungo

without adiungo

Average salary in a STEM-profession (Germany vs. international)

Average duration from writing applications to a binding job offer of a preferred employer in days

Number of job interviews to which international applicants are invited on average

Average success rate of international applicants in job interviews

Your potential employers

Browse over the locations to discover the companies.


What our students think

„Up to now I have completed the German language course in adiungo. I am now in cultural training and I will soon continue with soft skills and hard skills. It has helped me a lot that I get personal feedback on how fast I learn. Also, my coach discusses with me, in which companies I would like to work in and helps me prepare applications. Before I started my training in adiungo, I was not sure if I could ever move to Germany, but now I feel ready and look forward to finally moving and starting work there.“

Blaise (21) from Cape Town, currently in training

"Thanks to adiungo I could prepare ideally for my job in Germany. I was assigned the right courses and the personal and individual coaching gave me a feeling of appreciation. The cultural coaching helped me quickly settle in and find friends in Germany."

N. Lal (28) from Mumbai, lives in Cologne since 2019

"In adiungo, I was able to master my German level and my technical know-how in a short period of time. This helped me in finding a great job in a German company. During my studies in adiungo, I was always supported and encouraged by the friendly team."

M. Kumar (24) from Bangalore, lives in Munich since 2020

Your connection to us

Speak to our team

Your contact person:

Christina Beer
Project Management

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Questions and answers

I already have a university degree. Why should I consider further education in adiungo?

Your degree is a great first step for your career start. However, many companies, especially in the German Automotive Industry, are hesitant to employ graduates, or professionals who do not yet have experience in the German market. Also, your induction to industry-specific topics presents a high time investment for employers. All these topics are addressed by the training in adiungo. We prepare you for the German industry, we give you exclusive insights, and we train you in those specific tools and methods, which everyone else will only learn during induction. This gives you a decisive advantage in your application.

How long does the training in adiungo take?

It is up to you. There is no minimum duration for your training in adiungo. After passing our entrance test, you will be defining your learning input and workshops together with your coach. The duration of your training will respectively depend on the level and intensity. If you already have prior knowledge in German, bring in some relevant job experience, or if you have a lot of spare time to invest in the training, you might finish faster than 5 months, otherwise it may also take up to 10 or 12 months.

What kind of prior knowledge is required to take part in the adiungo program?

Generally, we require our participants to have completed a university degree (bachelor or master) or to be in their last year of studies. In case you have already acquired some job experience, we will consider it in the composition of your training.

What happens after I complete the training in adiungo?

Once you become certified as adiungo EXPERT we suggest three vacancies in Germany to you. Before you apply with those, we check your resume and prepare you for interviews. This is how we make sure that you convince your prospective new employers.

Does Covid-19 make it harder to get a job in Germany?

While in fact many companies cannot employ as many new people as before the pandemic, technical and engineering positions in the automotive industry are still highly required. New technologies do not cease to develop and the pandemic has not lessened the efforts in finding sustainable and safer ways of mobility.

Which documents do I need to apply?

To apply to our training, first register at On our learning platform, use the option to upload your CV. One of our personal coaches will then get in touch with you and explain the next steps.

Do I need to have job experience?

No! You are generally qualified for a training in adiungo if you have (almost) completed a university degree. If you already have gained some job experience, this is great! We can assess your skills and tailor the training to your competency level.

Can I start my training before finishing my studies?

Yes, definitely! If you have enough spare time next to your studies, you can start training in adiungo up to one year before your planned graduation. This way, you do not lose any time before being ready for the German job market.

Does adiungo help with my relocation to Germany?

If you have found a position in Germany, we assist you with any bureaucratic issues like VISA applications. Once you arrive in Germany, we can help you in finding an apartment and are here for your during any struggles of the first weeks in the new culture.

Will there be a real person assisting me during my training?

Yes, this is highly important to us! We do provide our training fully online to make it as flexible as possible. However, it is indispensable to assist you individually. Your personal study coach will have regular calls with you to talk about your progress, struggles, and goals.

Where will the training be conducted? Do I have to move?

The full training is online and your personal study coach can speak to you over the phone, over chat, over e-mail, or over web-calls. Everything is absolutely independent of the place you are currently at.

How is the content prepared?

Having to read lengthy texts can be exhausting, and we know that. It is very important to us to keep you motivated in your training and to offer to you the best learning experience. Therefore, our content comes in a broad variety of formats like video lectures, interactive videos, quizzes, short text blocks, learning cards, pictures and graphs, etc. All these formats are constantly kept in small bits, so that you need to concentrate only for the optimum amount of time.

Will the training include practical examples and projects?

Yes! We train you for a successful career. To do so, it is necessary to not only understand theory, but also to master practice. The training includes examples of typical business situations whenever suitable, and actual projects for you to work on yourself whenever applicable.

How much will I earn in my first job after adiungo?

The salary of your future job depends on many variables. Those could be the country, your prior work experience, your education, or the company. Due to visa specifications, the minimum annual salary is 44.304 €.

I have more questions. What can I do?

Get in touch with us! If you want to know more about the content and the learning platform, you might want to try our free demo access. If you have any more specific questions, please write an e-mail to and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

During what time can I contact the support or my study coach?

The adiungo team is usually available during German office hours. Those are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm CET. We might not be able to answer calls at all times or get back to e-mails immediately, but we try our best to get back to you within 24 hours, except on weekends.